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Friday, July 20, 2012

Colorado Massacre /Rise of the Dark Knight/Rush Limbaugh/Batman/James Holmes/ violent hate speech

Colorado Massacre /Rise of the Dark Knight/Rush Limbaugh/Batman/James Holmes/ violent hate speech The right wing is totally out of control with their hate speech and has the nut jobs on killing sprees. How many more Innocent American citizens have to be maimed or killed before we take this zealot right wing hate speech off our public airwaves? "I Outed the Democrats on Batman Plans" July 19, 2012 RUSH: They're acting like I'm some sort of conspiracy creep. But I outed 'em. I have shined the light of truth, as it were. Colorado cinema shooting:Massacre survivors “Did Rush Limbaugh and his right wing rhetoric about Batman cause?” “Was the shooter a Rush Ditto head?”

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