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Thursday, July 7, 2011


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Product Description
In The Lollipop Club, the Halland family has been lucky, the family (AJ and Tess) are car dealers taking a break from that business. Now running a home based business and have become bored with it. AJ seeks a new challenge, a new business venture.

His vivacious wife of twenty-five years is also bored even though they have a raucous sex life and seeks her own new adventures. A swinging lifestyle on her birthday soon opens their marriage to multiple sex partners.

Both are soon seduced by the lifestyle as Tess befriends several exotic bi-sexual dancers pulling her into the dark world of sex for money and the strip club business. AJ Halland the husband has other ideas, now that his new car business has failed. Why be a stripper when you can own the club. AJ set's out on a course to do just that with an old acquaintance and former customer and quickly takes over his own strip club.

Gus Lawson is a oddball who fits in no where, a mystery man who stalks the strip clubs of a small Midwest town. Wherever he goes stripper are found dead. Now a new guy is taking over his favorite stalking ground and Lawson finds his wife appealing and now Lawson wants both the club and the hot wife, and will do whatever it takes. He knows he can dispose of the wife later at any time her freshness fades.

In Washington an old lover of AJ's from the late 70's, is now married to a powerful senator with three daughter. Victoria Markland's life will change forever, when one of her daughters die's while in the dark world of stripping.

The FBI is called in to put a lid on the senator’s problem, at the expense of finding the daughter's killer if in fact she did not overdose by her own hand.

Now the lives of all these characters will converge in a small Midwest town in this explosive erotic thriller. Can AJ find the real reason his girls are turning up dead as he and Tess delve deeper into this dark seedy world. It turns into a life and death race to find the killer and save his own wife. Will his years of addiction finally catch up before he can? Tess and AJ play right into Lawson's hand as more women die.The race in on!
Editorial Reviews:
Critical Praise

5 out of 5 Stars! Great first book... AND Delivers with a Bang!!!
And oh my, how it punches you in the gut with realism and spice to keep you hooked. If you enjoy mystery, thrills, and a tad bit of eroticism, thrown into the story for a down to earth read, this is your book. J Darroll Hall, where the hell did you come from my dear?
5.0 out of 5 stars Raw, explicit, and vivid!!!
Truly a vivid introduction into how the 'other half' lives! It is raw and explicit, but with an underlying plot line that's never broken. The characters are 'real', and their emotional turmoil bubbles just under the surface. With his uncanny ability to turn a phrase, Mr. Hall has shined the spotlight on a world many wonder about, but would never ask. Definitely a page never know what's coming next!!!

The Lollipop Club by J. Darroll Hall


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